Hello and welcome to the Temple of Love Outreach Ministry.
This all started as a vision God gave to Pastor Brown in 2007. The vision did not come to fruition until 2008. Ricky Brown was ordained as Minister on February 17, 2003. Six years later, he was ordained Pastor of the Temple of Love Outreach Ministry in Greenville, NC. God planned that he begins his ministry in his birthplace of Greenville.
In 2012, he and his family relocated back to Virginia, where he served under the leadership of Bishop Ronald Sr. and the Herald Ministry. For the next ten years, he faithfully served as an elder. In 2022 the Lord called him to open the Temple of Love in Virginia.
Pastor and First Lady Brown have been married for 29 years and have four beautiful daughters, two Godsons they raised as their own, and many other Godchildren that God has blessed them with. They have three grandsons that bring joy to their lives daily.
The Temple of Love is a true testament to what Pastor and First Lady brown believe, we are God’s Temple, and Love is shown through our actions. How we treat each other is vital to understanding God’s love for us.
Pastor and Evangelist Brown have a passion for souls and will reach out and minister to anyone that crosses their path. When asked what his mission in life is, he will quickly say,” it is to bring souls to Christ.”
Missionary Brown is a social worker by trade and has the gift of helping people. She believes that whatever we do for God and in life, we must do it with a “spirit of excellence.”
If you are looking to find a place to bring your family, where you are welcome in your authentic self, T.O.L. is that place.

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